
Reinier Maas

July 24, 2019

My public repositories on GitHub are created for my own notes. I plan to fill them with well documented code. I don’t intend this for use in production environments. If you use a data-structure not provided by the .NET framework I advise you to thoroughly test this data-structure before use. I made these implementations mostly for academical purposes.


I’ve implemented Reduced Row Echelon Form in Rust, to calculate the reduced row echelon form of a matrix. This is implemented for Rosetta Code, a wiki which compares programming languages. This is one of my projects to get better at Rust.


I provide simple implementations of widely spread data-structures. Commented with precise time complexity, expressed in big O notation. Some data-structures should normally be taken from the .NET library. I would like to take the time to create unit-tests to run all possible branches of this code, so some guarantees can be provided regarding correctness.

I’ve made array implementations of the following data structures: List, Queue, Stack, Deque and Binary Heap. Tree structures that I’ve implemented are Node based data structures including a Binary and a Red and Black tree. I am planning on adding different self balancing trees and measuring performance differences between these trees.