
Reinier Maas

July 24, 2019

Here my work history is laid out in a chronological order.

Custom Computers

During my youth I always had spare computer parts available. From these parts I would create working systems again. When I was around 10 I custom build my first computer from new hardware.

It was a lot of fun and a good lesson. Friends also wanted game computers and I started building them. After building multiple systems for friends they started to refer their acquaintances. I started charging for my services. Sometimes I still get a request for a custom build computer. I am not actively pursuing these kinds of projects anymore.


When I was shopping for new clothes I started talking with a suit salesman in the C&A. He said they needed more employees for the suits department. I applied for the job to work in the weekends. For one year, summer 2013 to 2014, I have worked as a suits salesman for C&A.


During my bachelor I received request from companies to already start working in the discipline. I started to work for Pharmeon where I worked during my bachelor, summer 2014 to december 2016, as a software architect. Here I worked with scrum for the first time in my life and really liked the concept of demoing your work every 1-2 weeks.


Now I am a freelancer so I can complete my projects at my own pace. My first project is a question generator for multiple choice questionnaires. I developed this product for a book author who wanted to be able to provide multiple choice questions for his book. The first version is already in production and currently version 2 is under development.